Cllr Oisín O'Connor

Green Party Councillor for Glencullen-Sandyford, including Ballinteer, Stepaside, Kilternan, Leopardstown, Ballyogan & Glenamuck

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council planners have written to the owners of the site at Lamb’s Cross on the corner of Blackglen Road and Sandyford Road to seek changes to their planning application to build apartments, shops and supermarket.

This is a common tool that planners use to get developers to put forward high quality proposals that deal with environmental and planning rules. It’s officially called a “Request for Further Information” (RFI). I am pleased that the planners have insisted that the developers address a number of the key concerns raised by myself and local residents about the nature of this development. Here is the submission that I made to this planning application where I asked for improvements in a number of areas.

Here are some of the changes and further information that the council planners have sought on the Lamb’s Cross planning application:

  • A childcare facility has been requested by the planners. This is something that I made the case for in my submission.
  • An additional environmental assessment for Fitzsimon’s Wood.
  • Better ways of protecting the wildlife corridor in the area. The wildlife corridors are protected in the County Development Plan thanks to some changes I made to it which you can read about here.
  • Improved boundary treatments, hedgerows and street frontage requested.
  • A Noise Assessment, particularly in relation to the proposed double basement car park.
  • An ecological and hydrology report on the double basement. with the granite rock in the area, it’s hard to see how a double basement could be done here without massive disruption.
  • Revised footpath and cycle path layouts.
  • Improved car park layout.
  • More clarity on the quality and the quantity of the bicycle parking.

You can read the full 12 page RFI letter from the council here. The property owner now has 6 months to respond with an updated set of plans. If the changes are big enough, anyone who made a submission on the initial application will get the opportunity to make a submission on the changed plans. Then the council will issue a decision based on that new application.

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