I’m running for re-election to the council in June 2024. There are a number ways that you can support my election campaign so I can continue my work on the council. How you can help:
Join my campaign team
I need help on an ongoing basis in a number of different areas such as canvassing, letter dropping and other bits and pieces. If you’re interested in getting involved, please email me or send me a WhatsApp message. The amount of time you put in is completely up to you. Whether it’s one hour a month or you have a few hours a week to spare, get in touch and I’d be delighted for the support.

Make a donation

Local election campaigns are estimated to cost up to €5,000. Some candidates will have the means to spend much more. If you believe in what I do, I would really appreciate it if you could help out in any way you can. The money will mostly be spent on:
- Election posters. (e.g. €50 buys 4 election posters)
- Letters and leaflets at election time (€100 prints leaflets for 2,500 homes)
- Online ads. Especially for areas where many people live in apartments so are hard to reach by other means. (€20 buys space on Instagram to promote my campaign)
I would greatly appreciate if you would share the donation link with anyone you think would like to support.
Online support
If you are short on time and money, you can still support me by helping me get my message out online about the work I’m doing. If you follow my various channels, that would be a great start. I am on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
You can also sign up for my email newsletter updates:
Register to vote
Elections have been won and lost in this country by one vote, so it’s vital that you exercise your right to vote. All residents in Ireland can vote in local elections, so head over to voter.ie to make sure you are registered at your current address.
You can also spread the word about voter registration by sharing the voter.ie page with your family, friends and colleagues.
Want to get in touch? One quick is below: