Cllr Oisín O'Connor

Green Party Councillor for Glencullen-Sandyford, including Ballinteer, Stepaside, Kilternan, Leopardstown, Ballyogan & Glenamuck

It’s estimated that about 1.9 billion drinks bottles and cans are consumed each year in Ireland, in-house and ‘on the go’ but only slightly over half currently get recycled. The Deposit & Return Scheme is an exciting new, circular initiative which will transform the way we think about empty drinks bottles and cans. 

The refundable deposit will incentivise us to return these containers so producers can make new bottles out of old bottles and new cans out of old cans, saving materials, energy and reducing litter. The Deposit & Return Scheme aims to boost the recycling rate for these drinks containers by charging a small, refundable deposit for each plastic bottle or can.

How does the Deposit & Return Scheme work?

From 1st February 2024, all PET plastic bottles and aluminium and steel cans between 150ml and 3 litres, will have a Re-turn barcode on them. A deposit of 15c will apply to containers 500mls or less and a deposit of 25c for each container above 500ml.

What to return as part of the Deposit Return Scheme PET Plastic bottles, aluminium/steel cans from 150ml - 3L Only containers with the Re-turn logo and the label/barcode must be clearly legible
Deposit Return Scheme – What to Return

You can return your empty, undamaged drinks container, featuring the Re-turn logo, to any retailers that sells drinks in plastic and steel/aluminium cans. The larger retailers will have a deposit machine where you can return them and get a voucher for your deposits. You’ll be able to redeem this for cash or towards a purchase at the shop.

Where are the deposit machines?

By 1st February you should start seeing them at all your large local supermarkets. I’ve spotted this one in Supervalu Ballinteer:

Deposit Return Scheme machine in Supervalu Ballinteer
Deposit & Return machine at Supervalu Ballinteer

There’s also one in Aldi Sandyford which is indoors so probably handier for all weathers.

Deposit Return Scheme in Aldi Sandyford
Deposit Return machine in Aldi Sandyford
Dunnes Leopardstown Valley Deposit Return Scheme
Deposit return machine in Dunnes Leopardstown Valley

Important: any large retailer who sells plastic bottle or cans must return your deposit. Smaller retailers may still accept them and some small retailers even have a smaller version of the machine.

Background to the Deposit & Return Scheme

This is being launched by Green Minister Ossian Smyth to help Ireland hit our EU-set recycling targets. Under the Single Use Plastics Directive, Ireland must ensure the separate collection of 77% of plastic beverage bottles placed on the market by 2025, rising to 90% in 2029. Deposit return schemes are a proven success in over 40 other jurisdictions around the world, including 12 in Europe, and will help us reach our recycling targets.

The Scheme will be operated by Deposit Return Scheme Ireland CLG, trading as Re-turn, who green Minister Smyth appointed in July 2022. All producers and retailers are legally obliged to register with Re-turn. Registration has been open for businesses to register since November at


There is a requirement for all machines to be accessible and this has been made a requirement of all machine suppliers and retailers. Full specification is here and below you can see the relevant section on accessibility.

Accessibility requirements for Reverse Vending Machines as part of the Deposit Return Scheme

If you have an issue with any reverse vending machine, the first point of contact is the shop you are in. You can ask at the Customer Service desk or ask for the manager.

If your issue is still not resolved, you should contact Re-turn:

Email: [email protected]

Call: 01 461 8680

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