Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council officials are looking at the possibility of reopening the vacant building, formerly Imaginosity Children’s Museum, in Beacon South Quarter in Sandyford for community use. It’s great to finally get official confirmation that this is being pursued, and I am fully behind this project due to the lack of community space in this part of Sandyford.

The Imaginosity Children’s Museum was opened in Beacon South Quarter in Sandyford in 2007 and operated right up to March 2020 when all such facilities closed. It was a great facility for kids (my own loved it at the time!) and most people were disappointed it didn’t reopen after covid. The last thing we need is another vacant building in Sandyford.
The building is privately owned and the council officials have commissioned a building condition survey and a BER assessment which are important before negotiating a purchase like this with taxpayer’s money. Hopefully the details can be ironed out, the building brought up to standard and back into community use.

It would be a great addition for Sandyford to reopen this vacant building, along with the recently opened First Swim and Sigmoid indoor golf centre. The council are also at advanced stages of purchasing land to develop the Corrig Road Civic Park, to deliver much needed green space right into the heart of the Sandyford Business District Area.
Update December 2024: I am continuing to pursue this project and have a motion down for the full County Council agenda since October calling for the Chief Executive to progress the purchase and development of a community facility in Sandyford.

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